7 Incredible Things to Expect Within 90 Days of My Gut Restoration Group Program, According to Real Participants

If you’re seriously ready to stop suffering and start healing—from everything from digestive distress and autoimmune flare-ups to fatigue, hormonal imbalances, anxiety, and more—my Fearless Gut Restoration group program could very well be the saving grace that you so desperately need and deserve.

However, making the necessary changes to yield a 180-degree shift in the state of your health (essentially going from down in the literal dumps to off-the-charts amazing) requires a big commitment in terms of resources like your time, effort, and finances… not to mention the emotional impact it’ll have on your day-to-day life as well. But hey, it’s all worth it according to my clients, as you’ll discover below.

Understandably, you’ll want to have a clear grasp of what to expect, and also the kind of results you can anticipate. For that reason, I asked several Fearless Gut Restoration group program participants to share the key insights, takeaways, and results they gained within 90 days.

Trust me, you’ll want to read what they have to say about:

  • Feeling truly seen and heard about their wellness concerns for the first time

  • How the Fearless Fig method helped alleviate symptoms as diverse as bloating, irritability, skin inflammation, hair loss, and more

  • Finally understanding their body + needs

  • Feeling empowered to lead their own health journey

  • The benefits of the group setting

  • Lots more!

Without further ado, here’s a taste of what you can expect by the end of this game-changing—and often life-changing—group program.

1. Your concerns will be validated

All too often under the paradigm of conventional medicine, we’re told that things are “fine,” “healthy,” and “normal” when they feel anything but. (The sad truth is that this is even more common with women—an injustice I have LOTS to say about but will save for a later time.)

“My doctors made me feel like there was nothing wrong with me, but here I was having all of these symptoms,” begins Alyssa. (Note: We’ll get to said symptoms soon!) “My doctor was telling me one thing”—essentially, that everything was clear and there was no cause for major concern—”but I was experiencing another thing”—namely suffering and a lack of answers and assistance.

With the guidance of the Fearless Gut Restoration group program, Alyssa experienced a major shift in the way her health was handled. “Healthwise, for the first time in my life, I felt heard, validated, and understood,” she says. As a group program participant, she shares that she finally found the support she needed and was missing out on for far too long, which goes a long way to promote the healing process.

2. You’ll fix the root causes of your biggest issues

One facet that sets functional medicine (a foundational pillar of the Fearless Fig method) apart from conventional medicine is that it goes straight to the root causes of your health issues, instead of honing in only at the site for impermanent symptom management. (Notice my choice of words here; when you only “manage” your symptoms through impermanent solutions like Rx’s, creams, temporary elimination diets, etc., any relief you experience will likely be fleeting once you cease that protocol.)

If you’re seeking infinitely better, holistic solutions that last longer and actually work by healing from the ground up, functional protocols are the gold standard… and Fearless Fig clients can attest to the power of this healing science. “If you've tried everything else and if you don't want to just treat symptoms, but actually get to the bottom of what’s happening, the group program is a great way to figure out what’s going on inside your body,” Court shares.

3. You’ll get to know your body like never before

Sure, you could continue playing a guessing game to see what may or may not be leading to your wellness woes. But if you’re reading this, I suspect that you’re at (or near) the end of your rope and you’ve tried the likes of elimination diets, at-home food sensitivity tests, and countless supplements already… to no avail. But these wonky solutions won’t do you any favors; instead, they’re pretty much guaranteed to waste your time and money, and reduce your faith that you can heal. And if you sign up for my group program, rest assured that I won’t allow that to continue!

Since all of my clients get functional testing done—including stool tests and the best food sensitivity test available—you’ll get a crystal clear picture of what’s going on in your body, as well as what foods could be triggering your painful symptoms.

“You can try every fad diet and try to eliminate this or that, but every body is different,” Maria says. “So if you don’t address what’s actually going on with your body in particular, you’ll be playing a guessing game for a long time.” Take Maria’s word for it so you can quit guessing, stop wasting time, and get a precise action plan that will yield noticeable results within 90 days… and she urges everyone to take the leap sooner than later. “It’s better to know now than to keep guessing for years on end about which foods you're not reacting well to,” she adds. In Maria’s case, she even came to me with an incorrect diagnosis of Crohn’s disease—but we discovered through her labs that this wasn’t accurate!

4. You’ll experience physical, mental, and emotional relief

Now, let’s go back to Alyssa from the first section and the symptoms she experienced that robbed her of comfort, confidence, and even her sense of self. “I had a stomach ache or abdominal pain for what felt like every day after every meal,” she explains. “I was exhausted, had really low energy, and my hair was falling out.” But that wasn’t all. “I became irritable and snappy, though that’s not who I am as a person,” she continues.

If you’re uncomfortable in your body and even everyday things—like simply eating a meal—elicit pain and lead to distress that extends far beyond mealtime, it makes sense that it’ll have a ripple effect on other areas of your life, such as your energy levels, sleep quality, work performance, and even your relationships. Yet when you successfully restore your gut, the wellness wins tend to stack up seemingly like magic, as they did for Alyssa and her fellow group members.

Some clients even report back to me with seriously impressive, life-changing results that even their doctors are shocked to discover. (I recently posted about this case study in which my client Susan was successfully able to lower her cholesterol enough to get off statins, which her MD had previously said she’d need to be on for a lifetime.) When I followed up with Court about the changes in her Crohn's disease, she shared the following: “I just got my colonoscopy, and we found that my Crohn's is in remission; she said everything looks good from a visual standpoint, which is huge.” I’m sure we can all agree that this feedback is simply amazing!

From there, similar benefits and results apply if you have a history of mental health concerns. “I’ve struggled with anxiety and bouts of depression since my teenage years,” Ellin shares. However, she’d never fully connected it to the gut-brain connection until she signed up for the Fearless Gut Restoration group program and experienced incredible mood and emotional benefits for herself. “Even my therapist believes in how gut health feeds mental health, which I was never really taught before,” Ellin continues. “My therapist loves that I’m in this program and even tells her clients about it!

Again, we chalk these benefits up to the wonders of functional medicine and data-driven, science-backed insights from tests that pick up on the nuances of your body at this point in time.

P.S. Can we revert back for a second to show how amazing the physical transformations are on this program—mind you, within just 90 days?! Here’s the before and after photo proof that one of my group program clients shared with me. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and they’re all positive when you take a look at what functional gut restoration does to boost your microbiome, promote digestive function and detox pathways, and beat bloating…

5. You’ll feel empowered and get your life back

When you experience sustainable relief from your most troublesome symptoms by restoring your gut, you’ll naturally feel much more in tune with your body and gain a real sense of empowerment… perhaps for the first time in a while, or maybe even for the first time ever.

“I’m so grateful that I decided to go through with this program, and now I know that I’m on the right track” Alyssa reports. “Before, I felt helpless—but now I have an idea of how my body works and how to best support it.”

In addition, you’ll experience a fundamental change in how you approach health—and even the simple act of discussing it. “Before this program, I thought it was embarrassing to talk about these things,” Ellin explains, also mentioning the sense of shame she felt for not feeling her best (as well as her doctors doubling down on the “don’t worry, you’re fine” false narrative). But once she enrolled in the Fearless Gut Restoration program, she experienced major shifts not only in how she felt, but also with how she approached wellness as a whole. “Now, I know that I don’t have to feel ashamed; I can simply learn more by looking at my poop and asking what I’m feeling in my body,” she explains. (P.S. Stool gazing is one of the many exciting new hobbies you’ll pick up as a Fearless Fig client—consider yourself warned!)

Moreover, now that Ellin is armed with insights about functional healing that will last forever and has a roadmap of her own body and unique dietary triggers, she feels like she’s firmly planted in the driver’s seat when it comes to her health. “Knowing that there’s so much that’s in your control helps me feel more in control,” she states.

Simply put, within 90 days, you’ll no longer be a victim in your own body, but instead a take-charge, go-getting, informed leader equipped with everything you need to lead your wellness game in the right direction—and for years to come, at that.

“These are tools that I’ll literally use for the rest of my life,” Court adds, speaking to the world of benefits that’ll extend far after you successfully complete the program.

6. You’ll gather with like-minded women for support

Of course, your first priority when you enroll in the Fearless Gut Restoration group program will be to find lasting healing and fix the root causes of your digestive issues (and more) through personalized tests and action plans. While you’ll get exactly that in as little as 90 days, you’ll also experience another wonderful, built-in benefit of this program: support and encouragement from women who are just like you, yet also uniquely different.

In the group meetings, her fellow participants “asked questions I had myself, which makes you feel less alone,” Ellin shares. (Read: your concerns aren’t only in your head, and you’re definitely not the only one struggling to gain relief from your distress and clarity about your body.) She also calls out all of the insights she gathered in these group sessions, even when certain things aren’t specific to her own health. “Even if I don’t have worms or specific sensitivities, even hearing about [the tips and protocols] has been helping me too.”

7. You’ll poop like a champ

Finally, you may already know that I take immense pride in helping women achieve perfect, one-wipe poops… which all starts with getting their bowels back in action to begin with.

Shockingly—or perhaps not so shockingly—Ellin’s doctor told her that pooping every three days was totally fine. Ummm… say what?! And even if that was totally fine (hint: it’s not!), Ellin still knew that it didn’t feel fine or good or normal—and to her luck, restoring her gut saved the day by allowing her to successfully pass BMs on the daily.

“I feel lighter in the sense that I’m not bloated all the time,” she shares. “The fact that I poop every day is huge. I could cry.” And if that’s not a ringing endorsement for this program, what is?!

If you’re motivated to feel like your best self (again or for the first time ever) from this day forward, be sure to book your FREE 30-minute health audit to get the ball rolling… or sign up directly for my next Fearless Gut Restoration group program!


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