So, You Were Diagnosed with SIBO. Now, What?

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You were constantly bloated and suffering from inconsistent bowel patterns. You knew you couldn’t go on feeling this way, so you started looking for help. Something told you that this wasn’t just IBS. So, you were diagnosed with SIBO, a small bacterial overgrowth that can impact your digestion. Now, you need a plan moving forward. 

Before you start consulting Dr. Google, you may want to consider seeking help from a professional that can tailor a treatment plan to your individual lifestyle. Thankfully this is something that we do as a part of our Fearless Coaching Program. Something else to keep in mind before you start testing treatment plans that you found on the Internet - there can be different types of SIBO. Meaning that each type of SIBO could require a different treatment plan.

Low FODMAP diets are typically recommended when someone wants to either manage or decrease their symptoms. If you’re not familiar with Low FODMAP - that means that someone is eliminating certain food groups from their diet in a strategic way so they can identify foods or food groups that may be triggering their symptoms. It’s important to note that this is not a long term solution and should only be followed for a short period of time under the supervision of a professional .

You may want to also consider consciously planning out the times in which you’ll be eating. Your gut has an amazing tool called the migrating motor complex which helps to self-clean, kind of like that little button on your oven. Spacing out your meals can help the MMC to work properly in the 90 minutes post digestion and absorption. So, if you’re someone who likes to snack every 1-2 hours, you may need to reevaluate that habit. 

Suffering from constipation or burping? That’s a normal symptom of people diagnosed with SIBO. A simple way to help yourself feel better is to incorporate movement into your life. Finding an exercise that you love and enjoy, plus drinking plenty of water will help to move things along in your digestive tract and promote a more regular bowel movement schedule. 

While living with SIBO can be really challenging, finding a practitioner that can guide you in the exact method to reduce burden, remove pathogens and restore microbiome function is critical into clearing your SIBO. When we use functional testing we can get a clear picture of the foods that might be upsetting your gut, underlying nutrient imbalances, other pathogenic overgrowths and hormone imbalances which are all important to heal the body overall.  

If you’re ready to finally feel your best and get to the bottom of your gut problems, sign up for a FREE 30-minute call to see if the Fearless YOUniversity would be a great fit for you. 


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